Building your Malware Analysis Home Lab for learning and fun

Over the years, threat actors are increasingly using more complex techniques to obscure how their malware operates. Keeping up with the changing trends might be difficult, however, you don’t need 15 years of experience in reverse engineering to help you win this battle. One great way to learn about malware is to build your own home lab and play with real samples within this environment. This can be a fun and educational project. If you do happen to be an InfoSec analyst, doing digital forensics or incident response, the knowledge you harvest through building and running a malware analysis Lab at work/home just might help you do your job more effectively.

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[FR] De 0 à l’OSCP en 3 mois [MAJ 2022]

Les derniers mois ont considérablement modifié ma personne de diverses manières. Les jours et les nuits que j’ai passés à essayer de prendre le contrôle des machines du laboratoire Offsec resteront gravés dans ma mémoire pour toujours.

L’OSCP c’est aussi expérimenter un véritable roller coaster émotionnel: l’excitation, la frustration, la joie et la satisfaction se sont révélées très gratifiantes pour l’amélioration de mes compétences en Cybersécurité.

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My OSCP transformation – 2019 | Write-up [2023 Update]

The recent months have significantly reshaped me in numerous ways. The days and nights I dedicated to trying to root Offsec’s Lab machines will forever be etched in my memory. Without question, this has been the most challenging obstacle I’ve ever encountered in my professional journey.

Going through a complete spectrum of emotions, including excitement, aggravation, joy, and satisfaction, has shown to be quite beneficial in improving my general cybersecurity skills.

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